Frequently Asked Question

What is a Manufacturer Registration Code (MRC)?
Last Updated 2 years ago

A Manufacturer Registration Code (MRC) is a unique identification code for each E-SDC product. It consists of three parts - the first two parts are assigned when a E-SDC developer begins a new accreditation process for a new E-SDC product or a new version of an already accredited product.

The Manufacturer Registration Code must be included in audit packages that are sent from a E-SDC to the tax authority database. However, it is optional information for fiscalized information returned from an E-SDC to a POS.

MRC consists of three parts and always has the following format ProductCode-ProductVersionCode-DeviceSerialNumber:

  • ProductCode - unique alphanumerical code (two characters) received from the tax authority when an E-SDC developer begins a new accreditation process. It uniquely identifies a specific product (POS or E-SDC) submitted for the accreditation.
  • ProductVersionCode - four digits also received from the tax authority when an E-SDC developer begins a new accreditation process. It uniquely identifies a specific product (POS or E-SDC) version submitted for the accreditation.
  • DeviceSerialNumber - manufacturer serial number (max 32 characters). This element is generated by the E-SDC manufacturer and must be unique for each E-SDC device/application.

All 3 elements of the code are mandatory.


A typical MRC looks like this: 04-0002-P0KYO8ASDF6L

04 - ProductCode

0002 - ProductVersionCode

P0KYO8ASDF6L - DeviceSerialNumber

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