Frequently Asked Question

I want to accredit my POS/E-SDC product, but it will be distributed by one of my customers in Samoa. How do I proceed in this case?
Last Updated 2 years ago

It is important to highlight that the company that would be carrying out the distributionĀ in a particular jurisdiction has to be the one that is registered as an applicant (on the Sandbox environment) as well asĀ the one that receives accreditation for its product.

There are two options in case that the developer of a POS/E-SDC is not the owner of the product and will not be performing its distribution:

  • The actual owner of the product (future distributor) registers as an applicant and then forwards their registration credentials (email containing their certificates and login information) to the developer. The developer then uses the credentials to access the development environment (Sandbox) where they can test the POS/E-SDC product before applying for accreditation.
  • The actual owner of the product (future distributor) registers as an applicant and names the developer as the authorized person during the registration. The developer will then receive the registration credentials via email and use them to access the development environment (Sandbox).

Please check our other entry on difference between Transferrable and Non-transferable accreditation here.

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